‘Big Brother’ Season 26 Teases Changes To Nominations & Evictions; West Coast Broadcast To Be Delayed Due To Donald Trump’s Speech At RNC
Julie Chen’s Big Brother motto is to “expect the unexpected,” and the show is teasing changes to nominations and evictions amid scheduling changes to the two-night premiere.
Season 26 of the reality competition started on Wednesday, July 17 as part of a two-night premiere that saw the first eight housemates enter the house. Night two of the premiere is expected to air at its regular time slot on the East Coast at 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 18.
However, due to CBS‘s coverage of the Republican National Convention, where Donald Trump is expected to give an hour-long speech, West Coast viewers will likely have to wait a little longer to meet the rest of the Big Brother houseguests.
The eye network has confirmed that a special encore of the two-night premiere will air back-to-back on Friday, July 19, starting at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
CBS has also confirmed that on Sunday, July 21, starting at 9 p.m., it will air a special 90-minute episode of Big Brother “where there will be a big change to the nominations and evictions.”
Season 26’s theme is artificial intelligence, and BB AI has taken over the Big Brother house. The first eight housemates already got a taste of the danger AI can pose to their games. All of the houseguests were given the option to allow or deny entry to a supposed 17th houseguest.
What they didn’t know was that this potential houseguest was not an actual houseguest but an avatar for BB AI. The four housemates who voted to allow the houseguest in would have the opportunity to win a power to help their game, and the four who voted against allowing them in would compete in a challenge that would make their game harder.
Following the premiere, the series will air Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, featuring the live eviction show hosted by Julie Chen Moonves.