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Back to School Cleaning Tips to Make Life Easier on You – Chart Attack


Back to school creative design with smartphone, apple and school supplies. View from above

Summer is coming to a close, and many parents are thinking about what they need to do in order to prepare for their kids going back to school. Have you been thinking in that direction? You might want to gear your house cleaning tasks toward making sure that your home is ready for back to school and that your kids are ready as well.

Here are some tips that could help you out and make life a bit easier for you by preparing you for a back-to-school schedule.

Get Your Kids’ Clothes Organized

Get Your Kids’ Clothes Organized
Source: fortheloveofsimple.com

Wherever you keep your kids’ clothes- in a closet, in a dresser, or somewhere else, you will want to get these clothes organized. Your kids may have spent the summer just putting clothes away however they wanted to, with little thought for order. It may not be a big deal if it takes your kids half an hour to find an outfit during the summer, but when it comes to school days, you want them to be ready to go quickly, with little wasted time.

That is going to mean that you need to go through their closets and organize everything. Make sure that the clothes they wear for school are easy to find and are located in the proper location. You may even want to take a second look at their school clothes and see if they are in need of replacing or mending. Your kids might have outgrown the clothes or may be close to outgrowing them, and it could be time to give them a larger size.

If you take the time to get the clothes organized for your kids ahead of school, then there will be less frustration, wasted time, and bad school days once school starts back. You can start things off on the right foot.

You can decide just how organized you want to be with their clothes. Make things easy for them by labeling the drawers or by arranging the clothes in the closet according to whether those clothes are appropriate for school or not. Then, encourage you kids to put things back in order when the laundry is done each week.

Do a Thorough House Cleaning

back-to-school cleaning
Source: handeepockets.com

Many homeowners will do a spring cleaning or a winter cleaning to prepare for the upcoming weather changes, but what about a back-to-school cleaning? Doing a thorough and detailed cleaning before your kids go back to school is helpful for a number of reasons. First of all, it makes it easy to find the things that might have gone missing over the summer, some of which may be essential to use in school.

Secondly, it makes for a nicer, more welcoming home for your kids. If your home is neat and orderly, your kids will feel less stressed out when they are home and will feel more relaxed and at ease.

Thirdly, doing a detailed cleaning ahead of school makes it easier to keep the house clean as well. You will spend less time cleaning once school begins because you will be all caught up on the cleaning.

Fourthly, you will make it easier for kids to feel better and sleep better by cleaning the house in detail. That is because you will be eliminating a lot of dust and dirt in the house, as well as other small particles that cause allergy symptoms or that block your kids’ sinuses. Better sleep is helpful for everyone, especially once you get busy with school.

You could find affordable and detailed home cleaning near you by searching for professional house cleaners online. By using a cleaning service, you can get all of that cleaning caught up in time for school and not be stressed over it.

Create an Area for Schoolwork

create area for schoolwork
Source: theschoolrun.com

Your kids will have some homework to do once school begins, and you want to make sure that there is a clean and prepared area for them to do it. If they just do their schoolwork anywhere they feel like it, they will always be creating a mess, leaving school supplies scattered, losing supplies, and struggling to find a good spot for homework.

If you clean up a spot for them to do their homework and let them know that this is their assigned homework area, then you will create more order in your home. Your kids will not struggle to find a good spot to do their homework in, especially if you make the area suitable for schoolwork. Ensure that there are chairs there for your kids, enough space to work, and proper lighting for them. This will encourage good posture and make it easier for them to focus on their work.

Kids will often try to do their homework in their rooms on their bed or in front of the television, and those can be bad spots for doing schoolwork. Give them a clean area that is designated for homework where they can stay focused and have good posture.

Clean School Bags and Lunchboxes

Clean School Bags and Lunchboxes
Source: apartmenttherapy.com

Anything your kid takes to school will become dirty over time. Two items that tend to get a lot of abuse and become very dirty very quickly are school bags and lunch boxes/lunch bags. These should get a good cleaning every so often but especially right before your kids go back to school.

The reasons for this are because a good cleaning will cut down on germs  on these items and because the cleaning will help your child’s things to look attractive and clean. By soaking the lunch bag or box in soapy water, you can kill a lot of germs and get out many stains. You will remove areas of discoloration and brighten up the lunch containers so that they look attractive.

You can do the same with the lunch bags to return them to their original color and to get rid of any small debris that may be hiding out inside the bags.

These tips are going to make the school term much easier on your and our kids and help them to do well in their classes.


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