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Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Thursday, June 27, 2024


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Not enough workers

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There was a photo of the water main work site in Tuesday’s paper. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the colour of the hardhat signify the position of the person wearing it? White signifying supervisor or manager, blue signifying workers. In that picture I counted no less than nine white haters standing around trying to look all official like and only two actual blue hats, workers, that were at least looking down in the hole. To be fair I couldn’t see if there were any workers actually down in the hole doing actual work but if this is how the city union workers work it should surprise no one that the job is taking so long to get done. It would be laughable but the fact is if you go by any city work site, road repair etc, this is the norm. I’m not saying they won’t do a good job fixing this fiasco, but for the money taxpayers pay for this in union wages, one would think there should be more blue hats than white hats at any given site. Just saying. 

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John Hancock 

(Or is it possible white hats were on sale?)

Going down

Liberal MPs are following their marching orders and repeating the same robotic talking points, saying that they will follow Trudeau (blindly) into the next federal election. Well, the Liberals can ignore polling results and this week’s catastrophic loss in a by-election with fortress Toronto crumbling, but the numbers don’t lie. Liberal MPs who follow Justin Trudeau are riding on an airplane where Trudeau is the kamikaze pilot leading the once proud Liberal Party of Canada to total political destruction.

Chris Robertson

(Hopefully they will get what they deserve, time to collect unemployment.)

Blank bill for Calgarians

Would you sign a contract to get your house totally renovated without an estimate? Calgary is doing just that with the water feeder line.

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The city is spending money and has no idea what the total commitments are to date nor do they have a forecast for the entire job. 

Are we on budget or not? Are we overspending or not? The city is flying blind! However,  we the citizens will get the bill at the end with a statement of “it was an emergency” as if that made it OK to spend with impunity.

Peter Szecsy

(If the taps ran dry at your place you would be OK with whatever bill a contractor gave you.)

Name them

Naming the MP or MPs for alleged treason. Isn’t it funny that people will be named for alleged crimes but not MPs. For example, Frank Stronach for alleged sexual crimes going back decades. Or a school teacher for alleged sex with a minor. Funny how that differs for Members of Parliament where the safety of our state is at risk!

Christian Ackeret

(It’s a good point and an important one. We need the names because if they will be running in the next election, the public needs to be informed.)

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