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Choose Calm With This 6-Minute Cooldown From Sweat and Tell


Presented by Allegra, this calming cooldown is a perfect fit after finishing up a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, a resistance training session, or simply a stressful day. The class is led by Jacquelyn Fisher and Joanna Huckins, affectionately known as Jacqs and Jo, the two founders of Sweat and Tell. With warmth and positivity, the pair offers encouragement to everyone throughout the class.

This cooldown incorporates bodyweight movements, works perfectly for a home workout, and does not require any specialized gym equipment. If you have a yoga mat, wonderful! But you could also use a towel, perform on a rug or carpet, or enjoy the sunshine outside.

To get things started, the class puts a gentle focus on breathwork with deep rooted inhalations and exhalations. Next, the instructors guide the class into a stretching routine and remind everyone to keep consistent breathwork through the slow and fluid movement.

Next, the focus of the class shifts to incorporate total-body movements, like inchworms and the world’s greatest stretch.

With clear, easy-to-understand instruction, both Jacqs and Jo offer simple cues to follow along. Yogis will appreciate traditional movements found in this cooldown, like Cat Cow, Downward Dog, Cobra, and Child’s Pose. To finish out, the class takes viewers through a short sequence for the hips, ranging from Pigeon Pose to drawing one knee across the body. Have fun with more videos like this by subscribing to our PS Fit YouTube channel.

Names: Jacquelyn Fisher and Joanna Huckins

Sweat and Tell

Instagram: @sweatandtell

Website: www.sweatandtell.co

Jade Esmeralda, MS, CSCS, is a health and fitness staff writer. A lifelong martial artist and dancer, Jade has a strong passion for strength and conditioning, sports science, and human performance. She graduated with a Master of Science degree in exercise science and strength and conditioning from George Washington University.


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