Letter to the editor: Left’s divisive tactics
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Re: EDITORIAL: Hurtful hypocrisy of left-wing divisiveness, online, Aug. 18
Kudos for pointing out the mean-spirited rhetoric of those on the political left, such as CUPE’s Fred Hahn. Hahn’s very callous and hurtful remarks are even more egregious considering the current rapid rise of antisemitism in Canada.
For eight long years, we have witnessed Justin Trudeau as the most divisive prime minister ever. In his view, Canada is a racist country, yet he is bringing 500,000 immigrants per year to this “racist country”? The vitriol Trudeau used towards the convoy protest to demean and dehumanize these protesters had no place in Canada and diminished his position.
The spreading of fear to divide is a main goal of the political left, no matter the serious damage it does. Divisive tactics were advocated by activist Saul Alinsky in his book Rules for Radicals.
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Re: EDITORIAL: Hurtful hypocrisy of left-wing divisiveness, online, Aug. 18
It appears to me that the AI-generated image of a man wearing a Star of David turning into a bomb is antisemitic. It would have been better if the man depicted had been Joe Biden or some other well-known non-Jew who is a strong supporter of Israel.
Given the flexibility of AI-generated images, it is possible to create animations that are critical of Israeli policy without being antisemitic. Hopefully, Fred Hahn and others will take advantage of this flexibility in the future.
We hear about insurrections and tyrannical governments overthrown by disenfranchised voters in other countries. We read about non-confidence votes and revolts by the House of Commons in Britain. These politicians understand parliamentary traditions and comply. The United States has term limits. These may not work as unpopular leaders can enact unwanted laws before being evacuated. Impeachment has worked when used in good faith.
Canada desperately needs recall laws. When an unethical, undemocratic leader will not step down voluntarily, citizens need the statutory ability to remove him from power.
Your letters are welcome, at: OttSun.Oped@sunmedia.ca. Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.
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