The CRA Is Being Weird and Posting ‘Minions’ Memes | Exclaim!
Everybody loves when bureaucratic organizations have silly, sassy personalities on social media, right? The Wendysification of corporate Twitter has now come for the Canada Revenue Agency, which has started posting Minions memes for some reason.
The tax organization surely instilled confidence in Canadians today by tweeting, “Bello bananaaaa! Bapple choppa mooka-laka ooh-na-na!” along with a GIF of Bob the Minion jumping. The CRA even added the hashtags #CdnTax and #DespicableMe4, just to remind everyone how this is a movie about the henchmen of an evil supervillain.
UPDATE (7/4, 2:38 p.m. ET): The CRA has evidently thought better of its social media strategy, since the tweets have been deleted, leaving posts roasting the company in their wake.
In a subsequent tweet, the CRA (kind of) clarified the reason for the post: “Oops, the minions were at it again! What they meant was: The kids wearing you out? At least applying for the #CanadaChildBenefit is easy — AND you can do it one-handed on your phone.”
Maybe if they spent a little less time watching Minions movies, they would have time to do our taxes for us, instead of making us do them ourselves and getting us in trouble if we make a mistake!
Despicable Me 4 came out this week.